Thrive Prayer Ministry

Our prayer ministry is based on the word Sozo:

To save, heal, deliver, make well, heal, to deliver, rescue and make whole.

Thrive Prayer Ministry's vision is to help people get to the root of things hindering someone's personal connection with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Trained team members facilitate this experience for individuals to receive full healing in order to walk in the destiny to which they have been called.

Sozo is not counseling or therapy.

God desires for you to live completely whole body, soul & spirit

Truth is…

You were created to make an impact on this earth and in those around you. When you are walking free of hinderances and know your true identity as a son or daughter of God. 

As you are healed and made whole, body, soul and spirit you are a walking testimony of God’s goodness. 

You become a warrior for the kingdom, one who has the ability to shift atmospheres and brings heaven to earth. 

Get free…

Every one of us living in this fallen world has wounds, hurts and unforgiveness that we need to be healed of. Lies that are believed long enough become strongholds that develop into ungodly mindsets. 

This toxic stuff piles up as the months and years go by. You end up carrying baggage that God never intended for you to be weighed down with. 

Thrive Prayer Ministry is a life changing encounter with Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. 
Freedom From
Freedom From
Lies, Doubt, Unbelief,
Destructive and/or repetitive patterns in your life,
Relational and/or authority issues that impact you
Thrive Prayer Ministry is
  • A time of connection and encounter with God.
  • A time of ministry led by Holy Spirit
  • A safe, gentle, effective and confidential
  • A time of communication and interaction with God
  • Is not a counseling session – Pastoral Care and professional counseling is available separately

Donations are welcome for the team to continue ministry training and development. However, prayer sessions are FREE to all.

Let's Connect!
Let us know your name and we look forward to connecting!