Leadership & Values

Let’s Connect!

Pastors Hannah and Bryan grew up in the Ithaca area with a passion for the Finger Lakes region to be revived by God. They have been ministering together for over 10 years in New York and across the world. Both have lived over seas and have a heart to see the nations encounter Jesus! They are committed to leading a multi-generational team of leaders and seeing their area and community thrive in Jesus! Their hearts are to see people awakened to their identity in Christ and walk in every day revival in the power of the Holy Spirit.

In addition to leading Thrive Church, Hannah is the Marketing Director at a local non-profit pregnancy center and Bryan and Hannah team there teaching healthy relationships in local schools and youth groups.

Thrive's Pastors

Caleb & Natalie

Next Step Pastors

Tom & Geordie

Head Elders


Pastor & Elder of Prophetic Ministry

Brighton & Dorothy

Reach Out Malawi Pastors

Thrive also has an Advisory Team and Board.

Let's Connect!
Let us know your name and we look forward to connecting!