What can God do in 70 days?
Oct. 10th- Dec.19th, 2021
Join us on Sundays as we learn how to be a witness to Jesus in our daily lives!
The Challenge: Ask Jesus to highlight 2-3 names of people you know locally who need to Jesus. For the next 70 days, we invite you to pray for them daily, show them God's love and invite them to church. We know this can seem scary, but what if people are more hungry for Jesus than we ever imagined?
Below are a some daily prayer themes to help get you started! If you'd like to post a prayer request or have a testimony to share, please post it on our prayer wall! You can post by name or anonymously.
New Message Series!
Sundays 10:15 AM
This message isn’t just for extroverts or people who love to talk to strangers…don’t worry! We’re talking about how to be a witness to the people God has placed in your life – no matter what your life season or personality. This series literally has the potential to change what eternity looks like for you and the people you care about.
9 Weekends committed to seeing our community thrive in Jesus!
Over the next 70 days, join us on Sundays 10:15-11:30 and invite your friends as we go on a journey of what it means to practically be the hands, feet and mouth of Jesus in our daily lives! It's practical and life changing!
Monday - Open Eyes
Father God, I ask you to pour out your blessings, love and goodness on ____________ today. Read: Phil 4:19
Tuesday - Freedom
Thank You, Jesus, that because of your sacrifice on the cross, You have ended ____________'s bondage and they can know Your freedom! Read: John 8:36
Wednesday - loved
Thank You, Jesus that You have found ____________ and they are no longer lost. Help them know Your love! Read Luke 19:10
Thursday - Boldness to share
Father God, give me your boldness and freedom to take every opportunity to share Your love and good news today!Read Mark 16:15
Friday - Salvation
Father God, I pray ____________ is receiving You and beginning to have a relationship with You - Rooted, built up and established in faith!Read Col 2:6-7
Thrive in Jesus!
I ask that ____________ turns to You as their personal Lord and Savior. Thank You, Jesus that ____________ can be refreshed in your presence!Read: Acts 3:19